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2016 Goals and Results

You cant move forward without knowing where your going, I set these goals at the start of 2016

Total KM

Cycle a total of 7,500KM during 2016. Result 4,380KM. There were a few things like WT rides etc that didn’t count towards this etc. but still a lot less that I thought was possible.

Run a total of 1,500KM during 2016. Result 1,540KM


Weight less that 85kg by the end of the year. Result 92.4kg. Was lower during the year but I didn’t really focus on this enough

Achieve a body fat percentage less than 17%. Result 12.8% supposedly, believe its closer to 15% but still better than the start of the year


Tweed Enduro, finish under 6:30:00 Result 5:42:00

Springfield Duathlon, finish under 2:30:00 (2015 time was 2:57) Result 2:35:02. I consider this a win because the course was a better length this year, it was short last year)


During an average race (QTS Etc) finish in the top 25% of cyclists Result, too hard to tell, not a good goal

Mount Gravatt PB of <8:30, Result 8:17 on 17/08

Cooth Frontside PB of <8:00 (2015 PB was 9:02) Result 7:56 on 27/04

Murrarie Crit Lap PB <1:50 Result 1:49 on 24/02 (46.5km average)


Sprint Distance Tri running <5:00/km Result 4:51 10/04

Gold Coast Marathon under 4:30:00 Result 4:16:58

Stones corner park run <24:00, Result, first did this 12/03 but got as low as 21:29

10km un <50:00, Result officially didn’t do, I would have done this multiple times including during the springfield duathlon however the runs all measured slightly short


Not be the last swimmer out of the water in any of my races, Result too hard to tell, not a good goal

Comfortably do 2:00/10m in the 50m pool. Result can sprint this with no aids but can’t remember the date

11/14 goals achieved

Goals that involve other peoples results are not a good way to measure myself so this wont be the case next year

Very happy with what I have achieved

I went from struggling to be able to complete any activity over 3 hours to completing my first 70.3 and Marathon, 2016 has been an amazing year for my fitness.

I just want to say
I truly am sorry
I really am not the best writer and grammar is not my best skill, Im hoping it is still possible to read
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